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Felicitas d'Albert


1917 Born in Zurich died in Geneva in 1994. Father Eugen of Albert composer, mother pianist Fritzi Jauner, childhood in Salzburg.

1922 First painting studies in Salzburg


1930 First painting lessons with Alberto Susat (restorer of the Faistauer-

Murals frescoes).


1933 Munich. Class Prof. Emil Preetorius, School of Performing Arts and Crafts.


1935 Studies of academic painting in the Heinemann workshop studio. Later with Henry Moore, Oswald Malura.


1937/38 Trip to England and extended stay in Rome.

Return to Munich, independent painting.


1940 Followed the family in Berlin. Attending Reimann Reklame School-

(engraving, print. linocut, illustrations).


1942 Move to Switzerland. Lives in Geneva. Free compositions and illustrations.


1944/46 Also lived in Celerina (Switzerland) in 1950.

Then, German painting school. Grey in grey self-portraits.


1948/49 Paris. Artistic upheaval. Visit of Adolf Herbst's workshop studio,

Friendship with painter Orlando Pelayo, with whom she will have a daughter (born in Salzburg in 1949).

1950 Back to Celerina (Switzerland). Impressionist works. Theme "Rice Harvesting".



1950/51 First independent exposition: Kirchgasse Gallery, Zurich. Participation in the Helmhaus "Zürcher-Künstler". The result is a series of uninterrupted journeys and changes of profession.


1956 Extended stay in Sicily.


1958 Final installation in Genoa.


1959 Second independent exposition in Milan, Cairola Gallery. Third

Exposition at the "Appunto" gallery in Rome.


1967 Exposition in Werdenberg/Buchs, Gallery "Wynhus".


1968 Exposition in Basel, Münsterberg Gallery


1968 Exposition in Vienna, Leopoldstädter-Heimatmuseum


1969-1980 Several exposition in Switzerland, Germany and Italy

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